Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ok So another problem I have noticed during nursery is the "Magic Carpets"  for lesson time. I tried these as a teacher for circle time and it never worked, kids don't sit still they are all over the place. It is a just a mess I prefer not to deal with.  I think I will use chairs I am not sure how to transition.  Currently the kids go from singing time (which is in the primary room) back to the nursery room where snack is all set up. I think that is one of the things that is working well in nursery. The kids walk in and each gets hand sanatizer on their hands and then goes to sit down at snack. The lesson is currently immidiately after snack.  The problem I see with this is that not all the kids get done with snack at the same time. and also I want to use chairs for the lesson. I also want them to get scritpures. so bring chairs, and getting scriptures, might be overly chaotic. I would like to just have chairs already set up. I have thought about having lesson in an empty room, but that might create too much transition, too many opportunities to loose kids, but they seam ok going back and forth from singing time, and it signals to them that it is time to pay attention. So a seperate room might be a good idea. Someone submitted this idea to sugardoodle:

We have a large group of Nursery children and we have a hard time getting anyone to sit for our lessons and we have a harder time getting our ideas across. So my co-leader and I talked the Primary President into letting us use an empty room for our lessons, and now we divide our children into groups and bring them into the other (very empty) room for our lesson! We hang pictures up low on the wall and pretend that we're walking through a "museum"- discussing each picture as it pertains to the lesson. Then we sit on the floor and do our activities and the rest of our lesson. The children LOVE it and its different enough to totally keep their interest. Helps that there are no outside distractions! It works much better with our older crowd than our younger crowd, but we're hoping that it helps prepare our older children for Sunbeams next year! (Idea by Vickie Kelly)
I really like this idea. I am not sure how it will work with kids finishing snack at different times. or if lesson needs to be moved to a different time.  I would also have to find out if there are any empty rooms that we could use.

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