I like how the lesson progress in the manual. My daughters have a book called, "I am Reverent When. . ." by Val Bagley. I purchased it at Deseret Book a number of years ago. I like it because it shows different kind of Revernce. It has a rhyming poem in it which is good for little kids to hear. and it has flaps to lift and wheels to turn so it would be great attention getting activity for the lesson.
Then I think will start in with the lesson and Explain what Reverence Mean, and have all the kids repeat the word reverence.
I will show the picture suggested in the Manual and talk about how the people in the picture are being Reverent.
In the October 2008 Friend there is a book to make about Revernce. Instead of making it for every kid, I think that we will simply make one for Nursery and it can be a book we read at story time, or any other time during the day in weeks to come. It will be good for the kids to have something to go back to. Maybe we can have each of the kids color a page and then turn it in to a book.
Then I think will start in with the lesson and Explain what Reverence Mean, and have all the kids repeat the word reverence.
I will show the picture suggested in the Manual and talk about how the people in the picture are being Reverent.
In the October 2008 Friend there is a book to make about Revernce. Instead of making it for every kid, I think that we will simply make one for Nursery and it can be a book we read at story time, or any other time during the day in weeks to come. It will be good for the kids to have something to go back to. Maybe we can have each of the kids color a page and then turn it in to a book.
After We read the book We can practice being reverent. Then we will go for a revernce walk and practice walking quitely in church, practice having our arms folded. I plan on having pictures of the Savior on the walls like a museum. We will practice thinking about Jesus, and talking quietly. Then we will walk back to nursery. (this will help teach the routine of going to a different room for lesson if we can get permission).
We will have papers that say, "I can keep my hands and feet reverent" and then we will help each kid trace their hands and feet. And they can color them if they like.
We have singing time seperate, our primary chorister does it in the primary room, I think she does a fabulous job. But I think that music can really bring the spirit to a lesson. So I think we will sing, Reverence is Love and The Chapel Doors. The kids sing The Chapel Doors every week in singing time, so it will be go to tie it in.
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