Sunday, October 9, 2011

First Day

Today was our first day! What worked well? and what did not work well?

We decided to have a coloring sheet right when the kids came in. That went great!  The kids I know often have a hard time coming in to nursery came right in without crying. So structure right from the beginning was great.

We had a mini lesson with role call and talking about being a star shinning brightly, That went well.

Today's lesson was on being reverent, and as part of the lesson we had a reverence walk. The kids practiced folding their arms and walking very quietly in the hall. We had pictures that we stopped and looked at on the walls, they loved that, and they were so quiet. I think that was my favorite part of the day.

We had a clothes line with their pictures hung on the wall that was great.

What didn't work so well?  I think we actually had too many workers. With too many nursery workers, they tend to not feel as needed, and then gab with each other. There is actually plenty for them to do, but it just seams like because there is so many there is no need (so then they don't do anything). Maybe we can alternate weeks,  or hours that they are there.

Things we will try for next week is to have a visual schedule to follow. We took pictures of the kids today to make a role, so next week we will have a role.

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